30 Soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka

13 September 2023, 07:39 WIB
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MEDIA BLORA – Berikut ini merupakan 30 soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 dan kunci jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka.

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Baca Juga: Download Soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Informatika Kelas 7 SMP/MTs Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

Pada akhirnya siswa akan mendapatkan nilai yang memuaskan karena maksimal saat mengerjakan soal Sumatif Tengah Semester atau STS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Pelajaran 2023 2024.

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Nah berikut ini 30 soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 dan kunci jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka yang dikutip MEDIA BLORA dari sumber terpercaya.

Read the following text and answer the question 1-3!

Hi! I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Sabrina Ramadhanti, you can call me Nana. I was born in Malang, 2 August 2006. I am a seventh grade student of SMP 1 Tumpang. I live at Jalan Melati 167 Tumpang. My hobbies are listening to music and hanging around with my friends. I usually go downtown with my friend, Dina on Sunday. We always meet our friends there to go window shopping or just playing around.

Physically, I am 156 centimeters tall, and 43 kilograms in weight. My mother tells me that I am a beautiful girl. I have brown eyes and a fair skin. My hair is long, black, and shiny. Well, that’s all about me.

1. The text above mostly talks about Sabrina Ramadhanti’s ….

a. introduction

b. hobbies

c. mother

d. friends


Untuk mengetahui jawaban pertanyaan “text about”, dapat diketahui dari kalimat awal di bacaan. Di sini terdapat kata “introduce”, sehingga dengan mudah dapat ditentukan jawaban dari pilihan-pilihan yang ada. Dari pilihan tersebut, jelas yang paling sesuai adalah “introduction”. Sedangkan, yang lain kurang tepat.

2. How old is Sabrina Ramadhanti now?

a. On the second of August 2006

b. At Jalan Melati 167 Tumpang

c. 156 centimeters

d. 12-years old


Jawaban dapat diketahui dengan memahami kata tanya “How old” (berapa usia). Diantara pilihan jawaban yang ada, yang paling sesuai tentunya “12-years old” karena sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang menanyakan usia (“old”).

3. The word “downtown” in the text has the closest meaning with ….

a. under the town

b. the center of the town

c. near the town

d. far from the town


Jawaban bisa diketahui dengan mengetahui makna kata “downtown” (pusat kota) dan juga perlu memahami konteks bacaan (“window shopping”). Jawaban a bersifat mengecoh dengan kata “under” yang bersinonim dengan “down”. Sedangkan, jawaban c dan d menunjukkan makna yang berbeda dengan pertanyaan. Kata “near” dan “far” tidak semakna dengan pertanyaan. Jadi, pusat kota tentunya adalah “the center of the town”.

4. Read the following text and answer the question!

One of the most important people of my life is my daddy. His name is Setiyadi. He is 50 years old now but he looks younger than he is. He is tall, strong, and has proportional weight. He always keeps his condition by doing sports and eating healthy food.

My daddy is a talented person. He is good at singing jazz songs. He can play piano and guitar. He can perform some traditional dances. Besides, he can write beautiful poems.

In spite of those things, my daddy is a good father. He takes care of his family well. He often goes to bed late because of finishing his work. On the other hand, he always gets up earlier than the other family members to prepare everything needed by his children.

Why did the writer say that his father is a good figure in his family?

a. He is important.
b. He is a healthy person.
c. He is good at singing jazz songs.
d. He takes care of his family well.


Jawaban dapat diketahui dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi pertanyaan, dengan cara mencocokkannya dengan kalimat-kalimat yang ada di bacaan. Di sini, kalimat yang paling mirip/merepresentasi pertanyaan ada di paragraph 3 kalimat pertama. Untuk memutuskan jawaban yang tepat, perlu diidentifikasi informasi yang berada di sekitar kalimat yang merepresentasi pertanyaan di bacaan. Dan ternyata, informasi yang paling sesuai adalah jawaban d karena selain berada dekat dengan kalimat yang merepresentasi pertanyaan, secara makna juga memungkinkan (merawat keluaga dengan baik).

5. Which one is true about Mr. Setiyadi?

a. He looks younger than his family.

b. He is a talented person.

c. He is an important person for his father.

d. He likes to go to bed late at night.


Pernyataan yang paling benar “true”, tentunya yang paling sesuai dengan bacaan. Jawaban b jelas terdapat di paragraph 2 baris pertama. Sedangkan jawaban a, c dan d, tidak sesuai dengan bacaan baik secara tulisan dan maknanya. Jawaban a tidak sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraph 1 baris ke-1 dan 2. Jawaban c tidak sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraph 1 baris ke-1; dan, jawaban d tidak sesuai dengan kalimat di paragraph 3 baris ke-1 dan 2.

6. ....

A. Good bye
B. I'm sorry
C. See you
D. Thanks

The dialog is for question 7.
Ana: Sorry I didn't mean to drop your book

Jawaban: D

7. The best expression to complete the dia- log is ....

A. It doesn't matter
B. See you later
C. Pretty well
D. Not at all

Jawaban: A

The dialog is for question 8.

Bucin    : Please forgive me, Kusut.

Kusut    : ....

8.    ...

A. See you.
B. It's okay.
C. I don't know.
D. You're welcome.

Jawaban: B

The dialog is for question 9.
Father: Have a nice dream dear

9. The best expression to complete the dialog is ...

A. Good job, Dad.
B. Good bye, Dad.
C. Good night, Dad.
D. Good evening, Dad.

Jawaban: C

The dialog is for question 10.
Heico    : Hi, Rio. Long time no see. How are things?
Rangga : (10) ... How about you? Heico    : Just fine. Thanks.

10. ….

A. I see.
B. Not too bad.
C. Never mind.
D. Nice to meet you.

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Informatika Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023

The dialog is for question 11.

Nindy    : Samsu, I would like to introduce Rintan to you. She is my cousin.
Rintan, this is Samsu. He is my classmate.
Rintan    : How do you do?
Samsu : (11)    . Pleased to meet you
Rintan    : Pleased to meet you too, Samsu.

11. ….

A. How do you do
B. I am feeling well
C. Very well, thanks
D. See you tomorrow

Jawaban: A

This dialog is for questions 12 - 14
Cantik    : Hello, Happy. How is it going? Happy    :(12)
Cantik    : Why? What is the matter? Happy    :(13)
Cantik    : Get well soon! Happy    :(14)

12. The best answer for number 12 is .…

A. I am feeling unwell
B. I am feeling great
C. I am feeling fine
D. I am good

Jawaban: A

13. The best answer for number 13 is ….

A. It's okay
B. Very well
C. Just so good
D. I have got fever

Jawaban: D

14. The most suitable answer for number 14 is ….

A. No, thanks.
B. I am grateful
C. I don't need it
D. Nice to meet you

Jawaban: B

This dialog is for questions 15 and 16
Iyan : Oops (15)    ! I broke your face shield
Amar : Never mind. I still have another one in my drawer

15. The best answer for number 15 is …

A. Thanks for the shield
B. I don't have a shield
C. Excuse me
D. I am sorry

Jawaban: D

16. Iyan is probably Amar's …
A. son
B. uncle
C. classmate
D. brother in law
Jawaban: C

The text is for questions 17 and 18.
Elisa    : Hello. Elisa is speaking. Rahma : Hello Elisa. How's life?
Elisa    : I am good. What are you doing?
Rahma : I'm staying at home. I'm studying online. How about you?
Elisa    : So am I. How is your online study- ing?
Rahma : Not so well. I still like face-to-face learning.
Elisa    : I do. I miss our teachers and classmates.

17. Where does the text probably takes place?

A. At home
B. At phone
C. At school
D. In test room

Jawaban: B

18. Are Elisa and Rahma studying online?

A. Yes, she is
B. Yes, they are
C. No, she isn't
D. No, they aren't

Jawaban: B

19. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.

1. Thank
2. ruler
3. me
4. for
5. you
6. borrowing
7. the

A. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 2
B. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 3
C. 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 3
D. 1 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 2

Jawaban: A

20. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialog.

1. Very well, Ma'am. What about you?
2. Morning, Sekar. How are you doing?
3. Good morning, Ma'am.
4. I'm fine. Thank you.

A. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1
B. 3 - 4 - 1 - 2
C. 3 - 2 - 1 - 4
D. 3 - 4 - 2 - 1

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Soal STS Informatika Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Pelajaran 2023 2024

The text is for question 21.

Mila : Hi, My name is Kamila Insania.
You can call me Mila.
Dian : Hi, Tiara. I am Dian Indah. My nick- name is Dian. Glad to meet you Mila.
Mila : It is glad to meet you too.

21. The underlined expression is the way how Mila … herself.

A. asks
B. greets
C. apologizes
D. introduces

Jawaban: D

22. The best expression to complete the text is ....
.....My name Annisa, I'm student in SMP.

A. Good morning. I have a name
B. I'd like to introduce myself
C. You want to know me
D. Hi, guys. Here is me

Jawaban: B

The text is for questions 23 - 25.

Hello, Guys. My name is Insania Taatika. My nickname is Sania. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on July 14th. I'am from Semarang. I live at Pattimura Street Number 10. I live with my parents and two siblings We are a happy family.

23. What is the girl's call name?

A. Insania Taatika
B. Taatika
C. Insania
D. Sania

Jawaban: D

24. "I live with my parents and two siblings". The underlined word means ....

A. grandpa and grandma
B. mother and father
C. brother and sister
D. uncle and aunt

Jawaban: C

25. "We are a happy family" The italic word refers to ….

A. the writer
B. the family
C. Sania and her family
D. Sania's parents and siblings

Jawaban: C

The text is for question 26.

Siti: my name is S-I-T-I.
Beni: my name is B-E-N-I.

26. The best expression to complete the dia- log is ....

A. How do you spell your name
B. Who is your name, students
C. Is your name Siti and Beni
D. My name is Mr. Rully

Jawaban: A

The text is for questions 27 and 28.

Library of SMP Nusa Bangsa
Name: Galang Pratama
Student ID number: 12.2020.0212
Date of birth: June 14th 2007
Address: Jl. Melati no.4 Klaten

27. How old is Galang now?

A. 12 years old
B. 13 years old
C. 14 years old
D. 15 years old

Jawaban: B

28. Where does he live? He lives …

A. Jl. Melati no 4 Klaten
B. in Jl. Melati no 4 Klaten
C. at Jl. Melati no 4 Klaten
D. on Jl. Melati no 4 Klaten

Jawaban: C

The dialog is for questions 29 and 30.

Fara    : I saw your mother in Islam Hospital yesterday. Who was sick?
Fikri    : Oh  … no one. My mom works there.
Fara    : Really?
Fikri    : Exactly. She takes care the patients. How about your mom?
Fara    : She takes care us at home.

29. Based on the dialog, what does Fikri's mother do?

She is a ….

A. surgeon                        C. doctor
B. dentist                          D. nurse

Jawaban: D

30. "She takes care us at home" The underlined word refers to….

A. Fara
B. Fikri
C. Fara's mother
D. Fikri's mother

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 20 Soal STS Informatika Kelas 7 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban Tahun Pelajaran 2023 2024

Disclaimer: Satu hal yang harus dipahami betul adalah konten ini tidak menjamin kebenaran yang bersifat mutlak, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan ada eksplorasi jawaban lainnya.

Demikian ulasan lengkap 30 soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 dan kunci jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka.

Semoga artikel dengan judul 30 soal Sumatif Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs semester 1 dan kunci jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka seperti ini bisa membantu dan memudahkan para siswa saat mengerjakan tes besok.***

Editor: M. In`Amul Muttaqin

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