Download Latihan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022

- 9 November 2022, 14:20 WIB
Download latihan UAS Bahasan Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban tahun 2022
Download latihan UAS Bahasan Inggris kelas 7 semester 1 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci jawaban tahun 2022 /

Jawaban D

Question 24 – 25
My name is Regina. I am German. I live in a small town. I am not married. I …(24)… with mother and father, my sister Heidi and my brother Rudolf. I …(25) … in a department store. I sell writing paper, envelopes, ballpoints, pencils and colored postcards.

24. ..........

A. go
B. live
C. look
D. take

Jawaban B

25. ..........

A. leave
B. work
C. stay
D. take

Jawaban B

Question 26 – 28
Nancy, a housewife, is quite a busy woman. She does many things: washes clothes, cleans the house, cooks, buys food, and plans things for her family. She is really the housekeeper and the driver for all of them. Her days are quite long. She has got three children. Lousie and Dick, seven and nine years old, are in school now, but Tommy, only three years old, isn’t. He goes to nursery school two morning a week. These two mornings are very nice for Nancy. Sh uses this time to read and rest a little.

26. How many children does Nancy have?


Editor: Moch Eko Ridwan

Sumber: Berbagai sumber


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