Bank Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2022 2023 dan Jawaban sesuai kisi-kisi

- 16 Februari 2023, 19:14 WIB
Berikut ini merupakan bank soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2022 2023 dan jawaban sesuai kisi-kisi
Berikut ini merupakan bank soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2022 2023 dan jawaban sesuai kisi-kisi /


Chipmunks are small, ground-dwelling members of the squirrel (Sciuridae) family known for their burrowing habits and love of nuts. All species of chipmunks are native to North America, except one - the Siberian chipmunk.

Chipmunks can dig extensive burrow systems directly underneath or next to natural or manmade cover. They dig two types of burrows: shallow burrows in which they seek refuge while foraging during the day, and deeper, more complex burrows where they nest, store food and spend most of the winter months.

Their average size is 5.08 until 15.24 centimeters in length. Their tail is around 7.62 centimeters long. Their body have shades of brown/yellow/grey fur with white and black stripes down the back.

Chipmunks are omnivores, dining on various types of foods that are found mostly on the ground. Their diets are more diverse during the warmer months, during which time they hoard nuts and seeds in their burrows to eat in the winter.

13. The purpose of the writer in writing the text is to inform the readers about … .
A. the habitat of chipmunks

B. the characteristics of chipmunks
C. the body appereance of chipmunks
D. what chipmunks eat

14. Based on the text, we know that chipmunks… .
A. store food for winter
B. are the same as squirells
C. live above the ground
D. have short tail

15. The word “underneath” in the sentence “Chipmunks can dig extensive burrow systems directly underneath ...” has the similar meaning as the word… .
A. On
B. In
C. Of
D. Below

16. The following statements are TRUE based on the text about chipmunks EXCEPT…
A. the complex burrows where they sleep
B. they only dig shallow burrows
C. they can be 5.08 until 15.24 centimeters in length
D. their diets are more diverse during the warmer months


Editor: M. In`Amul Muttaqin

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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