Download Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 2024

- 25 Mei 2024, 09:59 WIB
Ilustrasi. Download Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 2024.
Ilustrasi. Download Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun 2023 2024. /

Three large fish lived very happily in a pond which few people ever passed.
One day two men who were passing by the pond saw the fish.
One of them said,”Let us hurry home and get our nets. Those fish are too fine to lose.
The three fish were very much frightened. The first one thought a momen, then swam through the outlet of the pond into the river.
When the men came back with their nets. There were only two fish to be seen. They found the outlet of the pond and made a dam across it.
The second fish now began to think. It come to the top of the water and floated on its back. One of the men picked it up in his net, but it seemed dead, so he threw it back into the water.
The fish that never thought sank to the bottom of the pond and was easly caught.

21. What is the main idea of paragraph five ...

A. A man picked the second fish
B. The second fish could finally save itself
C. The second fish pretended of being dead
D. A men threw the second fish back to the pond
E. The fish that never thought a sank

Jawaban: B

22. What is the orientation of the story?

A. The fish could not escape from the men
B. The three large fish that very happily in a pond and the two men
C. The third fish didn’t think about how to save itself
D. The fish looked for ways to escape themselves from the men
E. Two men was going to catch the three fish

Jawaban: B

23. From the text we can learn that ...

A. A good men is hard to find
B. Two heads are better than one
C. No one succeeds without efforts
D. A good beginning makes a good ending
E. There will there is way

Jawaban: C


Editor: Ahmat Arif Muzazin

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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