50 Prediksi Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka TA 2023 2024

- 4 Juni 2024, 12:05 WIB
50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum merdeka
50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum merdeka /Pexels.com / Suzy Hazelwood/

MEDIA BLORA - Berikut ini 50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 sesuai kisi-kisi Kurikulum Merdeka beserta kunci jawaban, cocok untuk latihan sebelum Pelaksanaan PAS atau UAS Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024.

Adek-adek kelas 8 bisa mencoba mengerjakan 50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka tanpa melihat kunci jawaban terlebih dahulu, guna meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan mereka dalam mapel Bahasa Inggris.

50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggrisa kelas 8 semester 2 ini bisa menjadi referensi tambahan bagi orang tua atau siswa kelas 8 SMP/MTs sebagai persiapan menuju PAS/UAS Semester 2 tahun ajaran 2023 2024.

Baca Juga: Latihan 50 Soal PAS/UAS PJOK Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024

Semoga 50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban ini bermanfaat sebagai sarana latihan yang efektif bagi siswa dalam menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) 2 tahun ajaran 2023 2024.

Sebagaimana MEDIA BLORA rangkum dari berbagai sumber berikut 50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 yang pas untuk bahan belajar di rumah.

1. Teacher : Alright, that's all I can tell you about today's material. ____, students?
Students : No, Ma'am. Everything is clear. Thank you.

a. Is that all
b. Any question
c. Do you know what you do
d. Tell me more

Jawaban B

2. The following sentences are compliments, except...

a. I have a new classic guitar.
b. You look handsome!
c. I like your outfit!
d. Your are amazing!

Jawaban A

3. He's amazing. He ______ speak five languages, including Chinese.

a. was able to
b. could
c. can
d. cannot

Jawaban C

4. Which of the following statements shows the expression of asking for attention?

a. Can you help me with these books?
b. I know what you mean.
c. Give me attention, please!
d. I understand.

Jawaban C

5. Dea : Listen to me, guys! I have something to say.
Hilma : Yes, Dea. We are listening. Go ahead.
Dea : I plan to treat you two on my birthday.
Gema : Really? It sounds great.
The underlined sentence is the expression of…..

a. Checking for Understanding
b. Showing Attention
c. Showing Caring
d. Responding to Asking for Attention

Jawaban B

 The following dialogue is for questions number 6-7.
Akbar : May I have your attention, please? We have to collect the assignment to our teacher’s table now. Have you finished it yet?
Anas : Yes, I have.
Marta : Of course, I have.

6. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In the office
B. In the yard
C. In the classroom
D. In the school hall

Jawaban C

7. “May I have your attention, please?” shows the expression of …

A. checking for understanding
B. giving attention
C. asking for opinion
D. asking for attention

Jawaban D

The following card is for questions number 8 - 9
You’re invites to
September 12 2023, 4 PM to 6 PM
Jalan Damai No 40 Pati

8. What is the purpose of this text?

a. To provide the date of the party
b. To describe the dress code
c. To invite someone to a birthday celebration
d. To give directions to the venue

Jawaban D

9. What time does the birthday party start?

a. 4 a.m.
b. 6 p.m.
c. 14.00 p.m.
d. 16.00 p.m.

Jawaban C

The following text is for questions number 10 and 11!
When I was a child and our family lived in Turkey. I ____(10) speak Arabic fluently. But after we moved back to England, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I ____(11) just say a few things in the language.

10. a. can
b. would
c. will
d. could

Jawaban D

11. a.will
b. could
c. can
d. would

Jawaban C

Baca Juga: 50 Prediksi Soal PAS/UAS Matematika Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka TA 2023 2024

12. Sinta : __________________, Mom? I have finished my homework.
Mom : Sure. But come home earlier because it will rain.

a. Can I sleep now
b. Can I hang out with my friends
c. Can I eat my dinner now
d. Can I play game in my room

Jawaban C

13. Student : Sorry for being late, Sir, my bike tire is flat. ___________________.
Teacher : Yes, please.

a. May I come to the classroom?
b. Can I go home now?
c. May I finish my homework?
d. Can I go to the canteen?

Jawaban D

14. Azka : Lower the volume, please? It is too loud.
Dina : Ok, Sure.
The underlined sentence shows the expression of …

a. Giving instruction
b. Giving invitation
c. Asking permission
d. Prohibiting someone

Jawaban B

15. Azka : Lower the volume, please? It is too loud.
Dina : Ok, Sure.

The word “lower” is similar to …

a. add
b. increase
c. decrease
d. raise

Jawaban A

16. “Can you join me to go to English study club tonight?”
The utterance shows the expression of …

a. prohibiting something
b. asking for permission
c. giving invitation
d. giving instruction

Jawaban A

17. Arya : … my house this Saturday night to do homework together?
Dimas : Alright. I’ll come
The suitable expression to fill the blank is….

a. You will come
b. would you come to
c. I’ll come to
d. Would I come to

Jawaban C

The following card is for number 18 – 20
Happy Father Day
Thanks dor alwalys supporting me
I love you, dad!
Caludia Alves

18. Who is the sender of the card?

a. Claudia’s son
b. Claudia’s Grandfather
c. Claudia Alves
d. Claudia’s father

Jawaban C

19. What occasion happens based on the text?

a. Claudia’s father’s birthday
b. Father’S day
c. Claudia’s birthday
d. Father’s anniversary

Jawaban B

20. Who is the receiver of the card?

a. Claudia’s son
b. Claudia’s Grandfather
c. Claudia Alves
d. Claudia’s father

Jawaban C

Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 Semester 2 Sesuai Kisi-kisi Kurikulum Merdeka TA 2023 2024

The following greeting card is for questions number 21 and 22!
To Anas,
I heard you lost a tooth,
Don’t worry, you’ll get
The new one soon
Your sister

21. Who is the sender of the text?

a. Anis
b. Anas
c. His mother
d. Her brother

Jawaban B

22. Why was the card sent to Anas?

a. To congratulate Anas
b. To wish Anas a happy day
c. To send Anas a pray
d. To sympathy for Anas

Jawaban D

The following greeting card is for questions number 23 and 24!
Happy Birthday!
I wish for all of your wishes come true
Your Seloved bestie

23. The word “bestie” has the same meaning as …

a. friend
b. stranger
c. foe
d. follower

Jawaban A

24. This greeting card is for someone who….

a. has got the champion
b. has graduated from school
c. has celebrated her birthday
d. has moved to a new house

Jawaban C

The following greeting card is for questions number 25 

Dear Aunty Melvin,
Congrulations for the new baby! I cannor wait to play football with hun!
Your nephew

25. Who is Kiki?
a. Melvin’s nephew
b. Melvin’s aunty
c. Melvin’s daughter
d. Melvin’s boy

Jawaban D

26. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence below!
My new job is … than my old job

A. Better
B. Best
C. Good
D. Goodest

Jawaban A

27. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence below!
English is the … subject for Alissa

A. Most difficult
B. Difficulter
C. More difficult
D. Difficultest

Jawaban A

28. When it comes to Math subject, Linda is … in the class because she can’t remember the formulas.

A. Good
B. The best
C. the worst
D. worse

Jawaban C

29. Which sentence is the best grammatically?

A. I am not more smarter than my brother
B. The children are taller than their parents
C. Lana’s house is bigger then my house
D. Indonesia is more larger than Malaysia

Jawaban B

30. Maya has 20 books. Alya has 50 books.
Alya has … books than Maya.
The best answer to fill the blank spaces is …

A. Fewer
B. More
C. Little
D. Most

Jawaban B

Baca Juga: Prediksi 50 Soal PAS/UAS PJOK Kelas 8 Semester 2 Sesuai Kisi-kisi Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024

31. Tiara : does doni always drinks two glasses of water in the morning
Budi : ….
The correct answer to complete the dialog is ….

a. Yes, he does
b. Yes, he do
c. No, he does not
d. No, he don’t

Jawaban A

32. When I … a little girl, I … in a small town.

a. Am, live
b. Is, live
c. Was, lived
d. Were, lived

Jawaban C

33. … I a zookeeper?

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was

Jawaban A

34. … they play soccer every day?

a. Does
b. Do
c. Did
d. Doing

Jawaban B

35. Andini always . . . the classroom floor on Mondays.

a. Sweeping
b. Sweep
c. Swept
d. Sweeps

Jawaban D

36. Dodi and dinda … not sad

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Was

Jawaban C

37. Feri … a diligent student

a. Am
b. Is
c. Are
d. Be

Jawaban B

38. Shidqi … not go to school today

a. Does
b. Do
c. Did
d. Done

Jawaban A

39. Yuni : why … you call me last night?
Putri : I’m sorry. I just want to ask you about our homework.

a. Does
b. Do
c. Done
d. Did

Jawaban D

40. Diah : why didn’t you attend the class yesterday?
Vino : because I … my bike yesterday morning

a. Am losing
b. Lost
c. Lose
d. Was lost

Jawaban B

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal PAS/UAS PKN Kelas 8 Semester 2 Sesuai Kisi-kisi Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024

41. Miss Wanda : Maya, do you know why this classroom is empty?
Maya : Al the students are in the laboratory Ma’am.
Miss Wanda : What are they doing?
Maya : …. Ma’am.

A. They had experiment.
B. They have experiment.
C. They are having experiment.
D. They were having experiment.

Jawaban C

42. Arrange the words into a correct sentence!
Going (1) – to (2) – are (3) – they (4) – groceries (5) – buy (6) – market (7) – the (8) – to (9)

A. 4 –3 – 1 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 5
B. 4 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 8
C. 5 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 7 – 3 – 6 -4 – 8
D. 4 – 3 – 1 – 9 – 8 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 7

Jawaban A

43. Subject + auxiliary verbs (is/am/are) + more + adjective + than + object
The formula above is for …

a. Superlative degree
b. Comparative degree
c. Positive degree
d. Simple present continuous

Jawaban B

44. Pedro’s height is 175cm. andi’s weight is 172cm.
It means that andi is … than pedro.

a. Taller
b. Higher
c. Bigger
d. Shorter

Jawaban D

45. Tyo : how do you go to school, fajar?
Fajar : by bicycle. But yesterday i … to school by bus because the tire of my bike got flat.

a. Go
b. Went
c. Will go
d. Have gone

Jawaban B

46. Burj khalifa is … building in the world. The correct answer to complete the sentence is …

a. The tallest
b. The taller
c. The shorter
d. The short

Jawaban A

47. Siska’s voice is … vella’s voice
The correct answer to complete the sentence is ….

a. Better
b. The eorst
c. As good as
d. More beautiful

Jawaban C

48. Subject + auxiliary vers (is/am/are) + the + adjective-est + object
The formula above is for ….

a. Superlative degree
b. Comparative degree
c. Affirmative gedree
d. Simple past tense

Jawaban A

49. Willy gets 100 in math
Amanda gets 95 in math

A. Willy’s grade is lower than Amanda’s.
B. Amanda is smartest student in the class
C. Willy gets lowest grade in Math
D. Willy’s grade is higher than Amanda’s

Jawaban D

50. Andy : Look at the man! What is he doing?
Anisa : He is waving to us, maybe he needs some helps.
The underlined expression is used to ask about an activity that …

A. Will happen in future
B. Is happening
C. Is going to happen
D. Happened in the past

Jawaban B

Baca Juga: 50 Latihan Soal PAS/UAS IPA Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka beserta Kunci Jawaban Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024

 Itulah artikel 50 prediksi soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka Tahun Ajaran 2023 2024, beserta kunci jawaban yang dapat dijadikan sebagai latihan sebelum PAS/UAS semester 2 dilaksanakan.***


1. Konten ini dibuat untuk siswa atau orang tua dalam proses evaluasi belajar dalam menemukan soal dan kunci jawaban.

2. Artikel ini tidak mutlak menjamin kebenaran jawaban.

3. Jawaban bersifat terbuka, dimungkinkan bagi guru atau siswa mengeksplorasi jawaban lain yang lebih baik.

Editor: M. In`Amul Muttaqin

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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