Prediksi 40 Soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2013 TA 2023 2024

- 13 Juni 2024, 11:35 WIB
Prediksi 40 soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2024
Prediksi 40 soal PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2024 / / icon0 com/

8. What is the purpose of this text?

a. To provide the date of the party
b. To describe the dress code
c. To invite someone to a birthday celebration
d. To give directions to the venue

Jawaban D

9. What time does the birthday party start?

a. 4 a.m.
b. 6 p.m.
c. 14.00 p.m.
d. 16.00 p.m.

Jawaban C

The following text is for questions number 10 and 11!
When I was a child and our family lived in Turkey. I ____(10) speak Arabic fluently. But after we moved back to England, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I ____(11) just say a few things in the language.

10. a. can
b. would
c. will
d. could

Jawaban D

11. a.will
b. could
c. can
d. would


Editor: M. In`Amul Muttaqin

Sumber: Berbagai Sumber


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