Kumpulan Latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022 2023

- 23 Februari 2023, 14:15 WIB
Kumpulan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester dan kuncijawaban cocok untuk latihan soal di rumah
Kumpulan soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester dan kuncijawaban cocok untuk latihan soal di rumah /pexels.com

a. Better
b. The eorst
c. As good as
d. More beautiful

Jawaban C

22. Subject + auxiliary vers (is/am/are) + the + adjective-est + object
The formula above is for ….

a. Superlative degree
b. Comparative degree
c. Affirmative gedree
d. Simple past tense

Jawaban A

23. Tyo : how do you go to school, fajar?
Fajar : by bicycle. But yesterday i … to school by bus because the tire of my bike got flat.

a. Go
b. Went
c. Will go
d. Have gone

Jawaban B

24. Burj khalifa is … building in the world. The correct answer to complete the sentence is …

a. The tallest
b. The taller
c. The shorter
d. The short


Editor: M. In`Amul Muttaqin

Sumber: Berbagai sumber


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